JSP Newsletter

We have started this newsletter so that you can keep up to date with what is happening here on the flower farm, and so we can provide you with some information about what is going on behind the scenes. There will be special offers, exclusive member-promotions, and most importantly, first dibs on products when they come available! 

It's been a hot minute since we sent out a newsletter, and I thought it's about time to give you an update. We have done a lot since the last one. We started and then finished the peony harvest - thank you again to all our staff, customers, and courier team that made this possible for us again last year. We absolutely couldn't do it without them! It was a bit hectic at times, as always, but we can't wait to do it all again next October!  We had a lovely (and well timed) break over Christmas and New Year, and then we hit the ground running in the new year, managing to get all our saffron dug up and then re-planted in January. We are just beginning to see the first of this season's shoots start growing! How exciting!! At the moment they are looking like tiny, almost chive-like fronds of foliage, but over the next two to three weeks, they will shoot up and start pushing out flowers for us to harvest. I can't wait to see them! The flowers are adorable, and the most stunning shade of purple. Watch this space - we will have new season saffron available for purchase very soon!! 


What have we been up to this month? 

Whew! After a busy harvest time, things have finally calmed down here on the farm. With the peonies finished for the season, we have time to relax a bit and catch up on all the odd jobs that pile up over summer.  It's time for some overdue maintenance - for us, this mostly means fixing up fences, giving our machinery some TLC, and deciding which of our winter projects to get a head start on.

Putting Lime on the Peonies - this is an annual job that happens nearly every year. We do this to help stabilise the acidity in the soil. 

Peonies grow best in slightly acidic soil, and we endeavour to keep our soil as healthy and nutritious as possible. However our clay is a bit more acidic than is ideal for peonies, so we add lime, which is alkaline, to help balance it out. 

Coming Soon!!!
  • Digging tubers for sale in late April through May. We are taking pre-orders now, so if you want to get in early flick us an email on paeonies@viewfield.co.nz or order online at peonies.nz/tubers/. Below is a quick rundown on how to best plant your peonies at home for the best results. Feel free to email us with any other questions you have, we love to hear from you!
  • Saffron Harvest should be beginning any time now!! I can't wait until those little purple flowers begin popping up  

28th April, 10am-4pm. Moutere Artisan Open Day

The Open Day happens twice a year, first on a Sunday in April near ANZAC day, and then again in October on the Sunday of Labour Weekend. A whole lot of the local artisans open their doors, galleries, and farms to the public so you can get a sneak peak at the processes behind the scenes of each of our crafts. 

We aren't quite in full swing for saffron harvest yet, so we are using the relatively quiet time we have now to get ready for the next Moutere Artisan Open Day. Mostly what this means is lots of tidying up around the property, the paddocks and the shed, as well as making the products you love. We are developing some new ones, and we are almost all set to start our first production run so we can launch them at the open day.

We would love to see you there!
Your Guide to Planting Perfect Peonies

Dreaming of a garden bursting with peonies? It's all about Location, Location, Location:

Sunshine Superstar: Peonies crave at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. In the southern hemisphere, this means planting in a north-facing location for maximum sunshine exposure.
Drainage is Key: Soggy roots are a peony's nightmare. Opt for well-drained, fertile soil. Amending your soil with compost before planting is a great way to achieve this.
Spacious Sanctuary: Give your peonies room to breathe! Mature plants can reach about 1 mitre, so space them 0.5-1m feet apart when planting. 

Planting Pointers:
Autumn is for Planting: Ideally, plant peonies in autumn (typically March-May in most regions). This allows them to establish strong roots before the cooler winter months.
Bare Root Beauties: Most peonies are sold bare-root. These don't need to be planted super deep, just ensure the "eyes" (growth buds) are facing upwards and positioned 1-2 inches below the soil surface.
Container Champions: Don't have an autumn garden? Peonies can thrive in containers too! Choose a large pot with good drainage and follow the same planting depth instructions.

Post-Planting TLC:
Water Wisely: Water your peonies semi-regularly, especially during their first year. Aim for deep watering that soaks the root zone.
Mulch Much Ado About Nothing: Apply a layer of mulch (around 2-3 inches) around the base of the plant to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
Fertilise Favourably: A light application of a balanced fertiliser in early spring (typically September-October) can give your peonies a boost as they head into their growing season.

Bonus Tip: 

Patience is a Virtue! Peonies may take 2-3 years to establish themselves before producing those coveted blooms. But trust us, the wait is absolutely worth it!

With a little planning and these simple steps, you'll be well on your way to cultivating a breathtaking display of peonies in your own garden!

Join our Newsletter to keep up t0 date with events and offers

      Currently Available for Purchase: 

  • Peony Soap -  available in Sarah Bernhardt, Festiva Maxima, Inspecteur Lavergne, and Gardeners (mixed, with coffee grounds for some extra exfoliation). Click here to buy!
  • Peony Body Spray - available in Sarah Bernhardt, Festiva Maxima, Inspecteur Lavergne, and Mixed.  Click here to buy!
  • Saffron. This is available in 1 gram and 5 gram amounts. We recommend 1 gram packs for personal use, and 5 gram for commercial use. You can buy yours here!

     Available soon: 

      Peony Tubers mixed varieties. These will be available early May. See our website for more information https://peonies.nz/tubers.